Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Unit 1 - Writing Across Borders

Objectives: Students will be able to...
  • discuss cultural differences between their home countries and the US;
  • read about differences in writing styles between different countries;
  • discuss differences in writing styles between their home countries and the US.
  • determine what their learning style is
  • understand how their learning style might influence their reading and writing
Part I: Class discussion

In groups of 2 or 3 students discuss the questions below:

  • When you first arrived in the USA, did some of the ways that Americans deal and speak with each other seem different than you own country? Give us some examples.
  • Did you speak in a certain way or do a certain action that was understood differently by Americans? Give us some examples.
  • What other cultural differences have you noticed since you arrived in the USA?
Share your responses with the rest of the class
Part II: Class discussion
In groups of 2 or 3 students discuss the statements in the WRITING ACROSS BORDERS PARAGRAPHS about differences in writing styles between various countries and the USA.

  • How similar/different are the cultures discussed from theirs?

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