Objectives: Students will be able to...
- Review and articulate the scientific method.
- Connect IMRD research articles to the scientific method by describing how replication and evaluation of research articles are facilitated.
- Distinguish (through induction) variations of IMRD.
- Compare and contrast specific IMRD variations.
- Demonstrate that the underlying logic in IMRD variations reflects the underlying unitary logic of the scientific method.
- Reflect knowledgeably on whether variations represent discipline specific variations of the same general scientific purpose, or whether variations represent qualitatively (epistemologically) different research procedures.
Part 1: Warm up Quiz - Socrative
Open the link to Socrative. Input the classroom name as UIUCESLWRITING. Think back to Wednesday’s lesson and answer three questions about IMRDs and the Scientific Method.
Part 2: Video on the scientific method.
Watch a video to review the scientific method. While watching the video please consider a time you have used the scientific method.
Part 3b: Group Work: Continued from last class: “Identifying the IMLRD Components of Sample Papers”
In groups, read one sample article to find the topic and main findings of the article for 5 minutes. Share the information with the class.
Then, in the same group, complete the worksheet and make a short presentation about your answers to the class. Three groups will be chosen at random to present their information.
Part 3b: Complete the same process with another article. Compare the two articles, do they share common feature? Be prepared to discuss your group's comparison with the rest of the class.
Part 4: Review Main Points of Lesson
As a class, elicit basics of the scientific method and IMRD variations and possible reasons for their existence.
Part 5: Preparation for the Workshop/Assigning Homework
Spend the rest of the time by explaining the procedure for the workshop and assigning homework. Instructors need to show students Google templates for group presentations that students will be using in the next class. At this point, instructors also need to form groups (same or different major) for the workshop and final presentation.
Groups for IMRD presentation:
- Group: Guo, Ember
- Group: Jin, Ivy, Irene
- Group: Menjia, Cyndy
- Group: Yizhou, Preeti, Aline, Tina
- Group: Jinsheng Dongwook, Keda, Vikram
- * Might break up group 5 into two groups.
By next class, complete the following tasks:
-Watch a video with an expert from their field or relevant field and upload the INTERVIEW WITH AN EXPERT WORKSHEET to box.
- Find and upload one or more primary research papers from their field that they will be using for their group presentations;
Interviews Materials:
Interview Worksheet:
Video Interviews:
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