Monday, April 11, 2016

Unit 3.6 - Peer review

Students will be able to:
  • Recognize the differences between “peer perception” and traditional “peer review” by comparing typical sample reviewer comments.
  • Evaluate sample comments to determine if they are “perception” based or “reviewer” based and if they satisfy effective comment criteria (specific, constructive, polite).
  • Practice giving effective comments as a reader (as opposed to a reviewer / editor) on a sample paper using provided guiding questions.
Part 1: Feedback norming
Scan a model paper to get an idea of what a good paper looks like.

Part 2: Pair feedback prep
In pairs open up your partner's paper from the class box folder. Use the grading rubric (p.3-4) to grade your partner's paper. Be prepared to explain why you gave the paper the grade you did and to give feedback on areas you think they can improve on.
Part 3: Exchange feedback
Discuss the strengths and areas of improvement in your partner's paper.  Remember to say something positive, then constructive and then something positive to end the conversation.

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