Students will be able to:
- Locate the most important information in a source necessary for a summary.
- Write a short summary (~5 sentences) for a standard scholarly article using 1-2 sentences to match corresponding sections of the paper (Intro/Method/Results/Discussion)
- Recognize and avoid common pitfalls of summaries (e.g. misrepresenting the source in content, scope, or purpose, or improper balance of specificity and generality)
- Write concisely by eliminating wordiness and maximizing the amount of information in a sentence. (e.g. sentence linking, word trimming)
Part I - Summary warm up and lecture
In small groups of 3-4 individuals, answer the warm-up questions in the PPT (5 minutes). Then, share your ideas with the class (5 minutes).
Then, you will be informed on what a summary is and what the requirements are for a good summary.
You will be guided through writing a summary following 4 steps.
Part II - Summary creation
As a group, eliminate unnecessary words and combine the two sentences into one in order to be more concise and coherent. Paste your paste into the group google doc and we will discuss the summaries as a class.
Part III - Summary evaluation and editing
Peer review - Annotated bibliography
Write a summary section for one of annotated bibliography sources (10 minutes). After finishing, use this rubric to evaluate the summaries of your other group members. Edit the summary section based off of the feedback you receive and post the summary in the group google doc.
Lecture - Final tips
Read through the final section of the powerpoint summarizing the main attributes in a good summary
Part IV - Wrapping up
Any questions? Extra time will be used to work on your first annotated bibliography section or the creation of the second annotated bibliography section.